
Scientific Publication

Ayache, J., Bieńkiewicz, M., Richardson, K., & Bardy, B. (2023). eXtended Reality of socio-motor interactions: Current Trends and Ethical Considerations for Mixed Reality Environments Design. In International Cconference on Multimodal Interaction (pp. 154-158).

De Lellis, F., Coraggio, M., Russo, G., Musolesi, M., & di Bernardo, M. (2023, June). CT-DQN: Control-Tutored Deep Reinforcement Learning. In Learning for Dynamics and Control Conference (pp. 941-953). PMLR.

De Lellis, F., Coraggio, M., Russo, G., Musolesi, M., & di Bernardo, M. (2024). Guaranteeing Control Requirements via Reward Shaping in Reinforcement LearningIEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology.

Giusti, A., Coraggio, M., & di Bernardo, M. (2023). Local convergence of multi-agent systems towards rigid latticesIEEE Control Systems Letters.

Grotta, A., Coraggio, M., Spallone, A., De Lellis, F., & di Bernardo, M. (2024). Learning-based cognitive architecture for enhancing coordination in human groups. arXiv:2406.06297

Maffettone, G. C., Porfiri, M., & di Bernardo, M. (2023). Continuification control of large-scale multiagent systems under limited sensing and structural perturbationsIEEE Control Systems Letters.

Montobbio, N., Zingarelli, E., Folesani, F., Memeo, M., Croce, E., Cavallo, A., … & Becchio, C. (2024). Action prediction in psychosisSchizophrenia10(1), 8.

Scaliti, E., Pullar, K., Borghini, G., Cavallo, A., Panzeri, S., & Becchio, C. (2023). Kinematic priming of action predictionsCurrent Biology.

Taetz, B., Lorenz, M., Miezal, M. Stricker, D., Blesar-Taetz, D., JointTracker: Real-time inertial kinematic chain tracking with joint position estimation [version 1; peer review: awaiting peer review]. Open Res Europe 2024, 4:33 (

Master Thesis

Görzen, J. (2023). Me, My Avatar, and I – ethical reflection on “SHARESPACE – Embodied Social Experiences in Hybrid Shared Spaces”. Master thesis, Rheinland-Pfälzische Technische Universität (Only in German)


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Newsletter #1, July 2023

Newsletter #2, February 2024


Poster for the Brain-Body Interactions Conference held at the Paris Brain Institute / ICM (March 5- 6, 2024). : Ayache, J., Smykovskyi, A., Caraminot, O., Pla, S., Bienkiewicz, M., Bardy, B.G., (2024), Does pain disrupt group dynamics? Impact of an unpleasant stimulation on group synchronization and its affective and affiliative consequences.