Bring XR to a radically new level of presence and sociality.

The border between humans and technology is blurring, and their close intertwining in everyday life will continue to increase. The most pressing challenge is to steer this reality transformation towards the creation of new opportunities for human-centric, safe, rewarding, and inclusive social interaction in this hybrid future. SHARESPACE’s radically new and unobtrusive XR technology will enable intuitive and intelligent interactions between humans and avatars, modelling embodied social behaviour in XR. Our functional multimodal-multisensory “social broadcasting” interface, combined with new knowledge and technology, will have a strong positive effect on future usages, enabling smooth, fun and transparent interaction with AI-agents. 

SHARESPACE will support community-building and exploitation with concrete initiatives 

Our technology will be iteratively tested in 2 Proofs-of-principles involving human and artificial agents interacting in Social Hybrid Spaces, and 3 real-world use case scenarios in Health, Sport and Art. Read more about the objectives of the project 

SHARESPACE Consortium meeting in Barcelona in March 2023, Credits: Ester Dachs Escarra


  • German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence
  • University of Montpellier
  • CRdC Nuove Tcnologie per le Attività Produttive Scarl
  • University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf
  • Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise
  • Universitat Jaume I De Castellon
  • Golaem S.A.
  • Lightspace Technologies SIA
  • Cyens Center of Excellence
  • Ricoh Europe
  • Institut national de recherche en sciences et technologies du numérique
  • Ars Electronica Linz GmbH & Co KG
  • Hospital Vall d’Hebron

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News & Events

  • Video Proof-of-Principle Synchronization

    Video Proof-of-Principle Synchronization

    We are starting a YouTube series where we are explaining our core SHARESPACE concepts, research, and technology. For our first topic, we are tackling one of our two proof-of-principles: synchronization. In this video, researchers Benoît Bardy, Marta Bieńkiewicz, and Julia Ayache are explaining their research at EuroMov Digital Health in Motion on how moving in…

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  • Usability Study Barcelona for the Real-world Health Scenario

    Usability Study Barcelona for the Real-world Health Scenario

    From June 25th to June 28th 2024, SHARESPACE partners assembled at Vall d’Hebron hospital in Barcelona for a first usability study for the health scenario. The involved partners include DFKI for the movement tracking, Cyens was involved for the rendering of the virtual environments, researchers from UJI were present for conducting the usability study, and…

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  • Artist Kick-Off Meeting in Linz

    Artist Kick-Off Meeting in Linz

    For the execution of the real-world art scenario, SHARESPACE recruited a group of external media artists through an Open Call that will engage in an artistic exploration of SHARESPACE technology and research concepts. The final product create a multi-user, hybrid, interactive art performance that leverages embodied interaction between people and avatars for the Deep Space…

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s research and innovation program Horizon Europe under grant agreement No 10192889