Bring XR to a radically new level of presence and sociality.

The border between humans and technology is blurring, and their close intertwining in everyday life will continue to increase. The most pressing challenge is to steer this reality transformation towards the creation of new opportunities for human-centric, safe, rewarding, and inclusive social interaction in this hybrid future. SHARESPACE’s radically new and unobtrusive XR technology will enable intuitive and intelligent interactions between humans and avatars, modelling embodied social behaviour in XR. Our functional multimodal-multisensory “social broadcasting” interface, combined with new knowledge and technology, will have a strong positive effect on future usages, enabling smooth, fun and transparent interaction with AI-agents. 

SHARESPACE will support community-building and exploitation with concrete initiatives 

Our technology will be iteratively tested in 2 Proofs-of-principles involving human and artificial agents interacting in Social Hybrid Spaces, and 3 real-world use case scenarios in Health, Sport and Art. Read more about the objectives of the project 

News & Events

  • Video Health Scenario

    Video Health Scenario

    New video in our YouTube series SHARESPACE Explained! In this series we are explaining our core concepts, research, and technology. For this fourth video, we explain one of the three Real World Scenarios: Health. In this video, Anna Server of Vall d’Hebron Hospital in Barcelona and Azucena Garcia-Palacios of Universitat Jaume I De Castellon talk…

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  • Video Sport Scenario

    Video Sport Scenario

    New video in our YouTube series SHARESPACE Explained! In this series we are explaining our core concepts, research, and technology. For this third video, we explain one of the three Real World Scenarios: Sport. In this video, senior researcher Frank Multon and PhD student Valentin Ramel talk about their research at Inria (French national research…

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  • SHARESPACE at EuroXR in Athens

    SHARESPACE at EuroXR in Athens

    Euro XR, the premier European conference dedicated to advancing Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and Mixed Reality (MR), took place this year from November 27 to 29. Held in the historic city of Athens, this year’s event gathered innovators, researchers, and industry leaders to explore the transformative power of XR technology across various sectors.…

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