SHARESPACE for Art: Shared Creativity

Within large European R&D projects a lot of the research is executed along pre-planned lines. However, exploration of the boundaries and possibilities of the research is also vital: this is the role of the art-scenario within SHARESPACE. Whereas the health and the sport scenario are top-down use-cases focused on the exploitation of SHARESPACE technology, the art scenario is a bottom-up use-case focused on experimentation and exploration. 

The art scenario is coordinated by the Ars Electronica Futurelab located in Linz, Austria. Located at the Ars Electronica Center in Linz is the Deep Space 8K. This specific space allows for immersive extended reality experiences due to high quality 16×9 meters stereoscopic wall and floor projections. Artworks shown in Deep Space 8K can be made interactive by its laser tracking system PHARUS, which enables the system to determine the 2D position of objects on the floor. During the project, three artworks utilizing SHARESPACE technology will be developed in Deep Space 8K and presented at the Ars Electronica Festivals 2024 and 2025. 

Poznan Cathedral 3D in Deep Space 8K. Credit: Robert Bauernhansl, Ars Electronica

The first artwork is developed internally by the team members of the Ars Electronica Futurelab. The team at the lab, specialized in working on the interface of art and technology, both conceptualizes and produces the work with the prototypical technology provided by the SHARESPACE consortium. The process of this development, which includes the creation of a plugin for Unreal Engine (commonly used by many digital artists), serves as the groundwork for the other two artworks that will be created by external media artists recruited through an ‘Open Call for Artists’. These two artists, with the support of the Ars Electronica Futurelab, will build their own artworks upon this Unreal plugin, making the entire SHARESPACE art-scenario truly bottom-up.