For the execution of the real-world art scenario, SHARESPACE recruited a group of external media artists through an Open Call that will engage in an artistic exploration of SHARESPACE technology and research concepts. The final product create a multi-user, hybrid, interactive art performance that leverages embodied interaction between people and avatars for the Deep Space 8K at the Ars Electronica Center. The final piece is completely conceptualized and produced by the chosen artists in collaborative help from the Ars Electronica Futurelab.
In April, the selected artists visited Linz and the Deep Space 8K for the kick-off meeting. During the morning session, the artists and the SHARESPACE partners had the chance to (digitally) meet, and discuss the artistic concept and SHARESPACE research & technology. An important part of this morning session was the presentation from the researchers responsible for the ‘Ethics by Design’ approach within the project. The team presented different aspects within XR & VR research that they identified can be considered moving forward.

The afternoon was utilized to explore the Deep Space 8K. Member of the Artistic User Advisory Board, and expert in interactive Deep Space applications, dr. Gerhard Funk joined to give the artist team input on different possibilities of interactivity within the space. The artists were shown different existing projects to get inspired for their upcoming work. Lastly, they had the opportunity to view some of their own existing work in the Deep Space environment.
We are very much looking forward to working together with these artists and see what they will present during this year’s Ars Electronica Festival in Linz, Austria.