Our team belongs to the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Group. The objective of this group is to develop translational and clinical research in rehabilitation, from a pathophysiological and cellular point of view to rehabilitation and functional recovery of the patient.
Our vision: make disability preventable, or minimized.
Our mission: conduct research aimed at developing more effective strategies to promote prevention, functional recovery and improving quality of life after a disability.
Our values: Our Principal Investigators, Trainee Investigators and Associate Members are brought together in different specific units within the Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation service and reflect the great breadth of knowledge across disability. The researchers include professors from the Autonomous University of Barcelona and the Ramon Llull University (Blanquerna).
The research group participates in areas of innovation in collaboration with pharmaceutical companies (stem cells, botulinum toxin), other biotechnology companies (diagnosis, prevention and management), and in technology transfer projects with other research groups, collaborating on projects and networks. endorsed by European scientific societies.
The Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Group collaborates with the University of Andorra (UdA), specifically with the Mercè Avellanet team; and with the Jaume I University of Valencia (UJI), Carlos Suso’s team.