The Centro Regionale di Competenze Nuove Tecnologie per le Attività Produttive S.c.a.r.l. (CRdC Tecnologie Scarl) was established in 2002 as a Regional Center of Competence in the Campania region in Italy.
CRdC Tecnologie Scarl is a consortium company for research and technology transfer, operating on a nonprofit base. Its mission is to act as a hinge element between the world of research and the industrial system by promoting collaborations with public and private research institutes, national and international companies, public and private entities, carrying out technological foresight and market demand development, and providing consulting services and technical and scientific support. CRdC Tecnologie Scarl mainly focuses on polymeric materials, composites and biomaterials, advanced components, devices and sensors, industrial engineering, energy and integration of energy systems, and automation and control of production processes. The consortium offers exceptional added value to companies continually seeking competitive advantages, representing the integrated point of contact with the research/business system. The uniqueness of the operational level of the Company goes beyond specific project themes. CRdC Tecnologie Scarl is a system operator capable of responding with an exhaustive range of proven expertise, to the needs of the business world, providing the engine for innovation and competitiveness of the productive fabric of Campania.
The consortium includes more than 350 experts working in 7 facilities including these universities and research centers: University of Naples “Federico II”, University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, University of Salerno, University of Sannio, Parthenope University of Naples, National Research Council, National Institute of Nuclear Physics.
Project members

Mario di Bernardo
Full Professor

Francesco De Lellis

Marco Coraggio

Michele Pugliese

Antonio Grotta
PhD Student